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The Transitional Quilted Jacket

The quilted parka was the undisputed winner of winter fashion 2021. Possibly due to it’s post lockdown ‘wearing an actual duvet’ connotations, the blanket coverage (pun intended) of the quilted coat was absolute. But now spring has officially sprung, and we surely want to be seen to be entering into the spirit of things; wearing a duvet coat in May feels a bit killjoy, even if the temperature is only grazing double figures.

Which is where the transitional quilted jacket comes in. Less duvet and more granny's bedspread (quite literally in many cases) this jacket is printed, embroidered or appliquéd, and much more jolly in feel, to show everyone we are ‘doing’ spring despite the fact its really still quite cold and no of course we can't leave the house without a coat. And whereas winter's khaki quilting carries the air of the british dog walk, this transitional version has an altogether more global feel that suits the current zeitgeist of the artisanal and 'slow' fashion: From 'picked up in a market while travelling across Asia'; to 'scandi fleamarket find of a bohemian art student'; or perhaps 'home patchworked by a grandmother on a canadian front porch.' Plus many of us can add nostalgia to the mix: I grew up in Hong Kong in the 198O's and have memories of coordinating with my mum and sister in Chinese quilted jackets.

Some of us may have one in our wardrobes already, but if not there are many to be found, from Independant stores and creators, to high street and high end options. Plus for the crafty amongst us there are countless online tutorials that can guide us through making our own quilted jacket which is surely the the most authentic version of all. (However I think i can safely say that this is beyond my personal skillset. ) Here are my current choices:

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