The phrase dopamine dressing has been thrown around a lot this season: a sartorial antidote to all covid related negativity; a quick fix burst of positivity in the form of a colourful outfit. Dopamine dressing is about wearing clothes that we feel good in, rather than focusing on what others might be perceiving, So out with following the rules and in with wearing, well whatever makes us feel good. And there's no denying that colour is the easiest short cut to positivity. But it's one thing to decide to embrace a 'whatever we like' approach to colour and another to manage it without looking like we've simply got dressed in the dark. (Of course there is the argument - to which I personally subscribe- that who cares if people think you get dressed in the dark as long as you love it) But for those just dipping a toe in the water of a creative approach to colour, a little assistance is never a bad thing. So thank you helpful brands who understand that sometimes combining colour is tricky. Friends, I give you the beginners guide to colour blocking: Let your clothes do the hard work so you don't have to.
And for those of us who want to mix and match what we already own, here are a few tips ( NOT rules) that might make things a bit easier. ( Full blog on this coming soon)
USE A COLOUR WHEEL Yes it feels a bit like being back at school, but someone asked me if I used one recently, and after scoffing no, I looked it up and realised any colour combos that feel 'right' are usually following the rules of the classic colour wheel. That'll teach me for being smug.
START SIMPLE We've all been raised on the idea a colour needs to either be teamed with black or a neutral, but really how joyful is that? start swapping a neutral base for another colour, even a muted one.
TRY AN ACCESSORY The simplest way to look dopamine-d up and joyous- a bright dress with a coloured bag or shoes ticks all boxes.
GO FOR A COLUMN OF COLOUR If mixing it up isn't your thing- try the boldest move of all, a single colour tonal outfit. No colour wheels required.
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